Showing posts with label Chemtrails. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chemtrails. Show all posts

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

Greenpeace say Chemtrails are "an urban myth"

Contrails in Public Domain

“Chemtrails”, in case you don’t know, are those long-lasting vapour trails we often see planes leaving in our skies, or at least chemtrails is what conspiracy theorists and chemtrail-believers call them. Scientists, aviation engineers, pilots and everyone else who understands the scientific view of this subject refer to them as contrails.

The environmental campaigning group Greenpeace has made it clear where the organisation stands by claiming that chemtrails are “an urban myth.” In a report entitled "Greenpeace’s view on ‘Chemtrails’" it is stated,

"Greenpeace have not seen sufficient evidence to justify further investigation into whether this is a real problem. As far as we are concerned, chemtrails are an urban myth - a conspiracy theory with no conspiracy."

What Conspiracy Theorists  believe about Chemtrails

 Conspiracy theorists and believers in chemtrails claim that these trails are a sinister plot to cull the human population by weakening their immune systems and gradually poisoning them with a range of toxic substances including barium and aluminium salts. Some claim further that viruses, pathogens and even nano-particles are being "sprayed" into the sky.

It is claimed that the difference between real contrails and chemtrails is that the former do not last very long. This is simply not true, and persistent contrails were documented way back in the 1940s.

Contrails from propeller-driven aircraft engine exhaust, early 1940s Public Domain
The evil Illuminati and the secret Shadow Government or Cabal that conspiracy theorists like to blame for everything wrong with the world, are said to be behind this nefarious scheme.

Chemtrail-believers post countless videos on YouTube showing contrails and cirrus cloud formations they claim is evidence.  There are forums devoted to the subject and even some celebrities like Prince have become believers and supporters of the chemtrail conspiracy theory.

It appears that the term chemtrails was first used and promoted by Canadian journalist and author William Thomas in the 1990s. Thomas has been invited by to "Politely discuss the Chemtrails Theory" but has so far been conspicuous by his absence.

Jazzroc and Chemtrails and William Thomas

JazzRoc -Photo used with permission.

My friend Tony Duncan aka JazzRoc became well-known as a debunker of the chemtrail conspiracy theory and for his efforts got himself banned from the David Icke forums and had his account deleted at YouTube. Chemtrail conspiracy theorists do not like anyone arguing with them.

 They take the view that they are right and you are wrong and that they know what is really going on in the world. Chemtrail conspiracy theorists will not accept that they are caught up in a manufactured belief system. They like to claim that everyone else who does not believe in conspiracy theories are "sheeple."  

I remember when JazzRoc posted in a thread on a message board run by William Thomas but Thomas then closed the thread so no further debate could take place. Now I wonder why that was?

 Cloud seeding, Geoengineering and HAARP

 The Greenpeace article then looks at all the subjects that chemtrail-believers use as 'evidence' for the reality of chemtrails and dismisses this 'proof' as unconvincing. In fact, Greenpeace say, "So far, we haven’t seen any evidence supporting the chemtrails hypothesis."

Cloud seeding can be done by ground generators, plane, or rocket. Public Domain

The report explains what Cloud Seeding, Geoengineering and HAARP  ("High Frequency Active Auroral Research Programme") really are and maintains that Greenpeace has seen no evidence that any of these projects have been used to create chemtrails.

Sadly believers in chemtrails are very hard to shake from their beliefs. They prefer to cling to pseudo science and the opinions of conspiracy theory gurus like David Icke, who has promoted the reality of chemtrails in his work. The belief in the chemtrail conspiracy has been used to make money for those promoting it and has added more fear and paranoia into the world today.
Anyone who really wants to find out the facts about contrails and read more about how chemtrails can be explained away as nothing more than vapour trails formed by the very great increase in air traffic should check out contrail science.

Saturday, 23 June 2012

Is the "Chemtrail era" about to end? JazzRoc thinks so!

Contrails above cloud as seen from a plane

Like me, you probably wish we could return to the days gone by with blue skies and white fluffy clouds and none of this white hazy sky that is caused by the trails planes leave behind? You have probably heard about the conspiracy theory that claims that persistent contrails are “chemtrails” and you may even believe this. Millions do!

These trails are said by chemtrail-believers to contain all manner of toxic substances, and many think they are part of some Secret Government plot to cull the human population. It is said that the elements Barium and Aluminium/Aluminum are in these trails. Well, I have just had some wonderful news from my good friend Tony Duncan aka JazzRoc, who says that the ongoing debate and all the hoopla associated with it will be coming to an end. Tony explains it this way: 

"Finally, the "chemtrail era" is about to END. The next generation of air traffic control equipment will be IN EVERY PLANE. This means that aircraft will exchange information about the HUMID AIR (which is the cause of persistent trails in the first place) in order to be able to ROUTE THEMSELVES AROUND IT. And that'll be the end of that.

William Thomas and Clifford Carnicom
JazzRoc is a scientist and former aviation engineer and knows what he is talking about. Several years back He got involved in a big way on the Internet because he was posting on many websites and forums debunking the term chemtrail. It was him that got me to see how crazy this belief system was and is. Yes, I admit that I used to believe in the chemtrail conspiracy. I was accepting what I had read in NEXUS magazine and elsewhere and believing what people like William Thomas and Clifford Carnicom were saying. 

In recent times a film by G. Edward Griffin entitled What in the World are They Spraying? has been doing the rounds and adding to the worldwide fear and paranoia about chemtrails and a Secret Government. But I can understand why people accept this propaganda. I believed my own eyes that were showing me the skies messed up by trails that lasted hours and that crisscrossed and ended up spreading into a whitish haze.

Sun Halos
I had also witnessed sun halos in the white cloud mess the skies often became. This was a new atmospheric phenomenon I had not seen before. I blamed it on chemtrails. But then JazzRoc asked me if I knew what made up the halos around the Moon. Of course, I did. I knew they were created by water vapour that can form minute ice crystals. It was a moment of realisation. I joined the dots and saw that halos in the day must be caused the same way. Not by particles of Barium or Aluminum but by ice crystals, by frozen water vapour. This was what was in the trails, which were contrails all along, and not chemtrails.

Sun Halo

HubPages and Myspace
I announced that I had changed my belief about this matter at HubPages and at Myspace and was met with a barrage of chemtrail-believers and conspiracy theorists trying to reconvert me to this belief or making ridiculous claims about me saying I had been “got at,” “drugged,” or “hypnotised.”  In the meantime, JazzRoc had been deleted from YouTube and there were all manner of crazy claims being circulated about him saying he worked for the CIA, was a "Secret Government employee" and a "disinformation agent".  At that time he was working part-time as a community gardener in the Tenerife resort of El Médano. I knew the truth but the ‘true-believers’ persisted in their delusions not just about Tony and myself but also about the contrails they call chemtrails.

Bard of Ely in 2007 with Stop Chemtrails t-shirt

No more Chemtrails
And so if JazzRoc is right, after many years of arguing about this matter with chemtrail-believers who hold onto their belief as avidly as an ardent member of a cult or religion, I will be really delighted if this is true and the day will dawn that we will no longer be seeing our skies messed up by the air traffic that causes the trails and cirrus cloud to form. Imagine that - no contrails, no chemtrails, no more arguments! Chemtrails will have been stopped! 

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