Showing posts with label Fungi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fungi. Show all posts

Monday 2 July 2012

Earthstars are very strange fungi


When I lived in Ely in Cardiff I had a number of strange plants and mushrooms that came up in my garden and one of the most curious of all was a fungus that is known as the Earthstar. They suddenly arrived one autumn amongst the dead leaves under the bushes and trees at the bottom of my garden. It was almost like a peaceful invasion of some very small alien beings

It seemed a very suitable place to find them, but a real mystery because they are said to grow most frequently under Beech trees in woods, and there were none anywhere near my house. In fact the nearest forest was about a mile away. Not only that but they are not a common fungus in any case. Why had they picked my garden as a home?
Earthstars are in the family Geastraceae, which translates as "stars of Ge/Gaia" (the Earth). The species that was growing in my garden was Geastrum triplex. Although none of these weird fungi can be described as “common” this species is probably the one that is most often seen. They are always included in books about British, European and North American fungi.

Earthstars are unmistakable. There is nothing else quite like them.They have a body like a puffball with a hole right in the middle that will puff out millions of spores, and around it is a formation of arms that makes it look like a star. It looks more like some weird sea creature than a fungus. Like a starfish living on the land perhaps?

Dry Earthstars

The arms peel back and can crack or they can curl up when the weather is very dry. The whole fungus can break off from its base in the ground and get moved about like fungus tumbleweed. The Earthstar fungus is the only fungus I know of that can actively move around, although all species move very slowly as they grow bigger.
Rain also helps the fungi disperse their spores that get puffed out of the central sack in heavy showers as the raindrops hit the Earthstar. I can only assume they arrived in my garden carried as spores on the wind. The Earthstars were growing under a rescued Christmas tree and under a very large Privet bush and by a small Yew Tree. Every autumn they appeared for several years in a row and were still there right through the winter. They tolerated very cold spells and drying up too. Rain revived them but eventually they got eaten away by snails and woodlice. They might still be growing there if the new people living there haven't destroyed the end of the garden.

I made a point of puffing out millions and millions of spores and like to think that I was helping the Earthstar fungus colonise somewhere else on the planet. I watched them blowing away in the breeze. And they do appear to be a colony, a colony of weird alien creatures. They not only look like stars but look as if they have come from the stars! 

Bard of Ely with some of the Earthstars

Copyright © 2012 Steve Andrews. All Rights Reserved.

Friday 9 December 2011

Father Christmas and the Fly Agaric

Traditional Santa Claus
Father Christmas is always dressed in a red and white suit and so too is the hallucinogenic Fly Agaric mushroom. Both are associated with reindeer too. Santa Claus has reindeer pulling his sleigh and reindeer eat Fly Agaric mushrooms. Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer has a red nose as well. It all seems too much of a coincidence don't you think?

Several authors have theorised that the Santa Claus myth came about because in Lapland and parts of Siberia the Fly Agaric (Amanita muscaria) was used by shamans because of its hallucinogenic properties. Not only that but reindeer eat the fungus and their urine could be drunk, as can that of humans who have consumed the red and white toadstools, in an effort to become in the visionary state of intoxication it provides. There is simply too much of a coincidence that the Fly Agaric is bright red and white and that the costume that Father Christmas wears is the same colour scheme.

Author and filmmaker Chris Everard has written extensively in his new book Stoneage Psychedelia about the uses of the Fly Agaric. Everard also puts forward the view that many religions were based around the use of this hallucinogenic fungus and other herbs that have mind-altering properties.

In hallucinatory states the user of a shamanic substance, such as the Fly Agaric, may well feel they are mentally flying or voyaging to other realms. In the Santa Claus story he is helped by reindeer that enable his sleigh to fly through the sky. It all seems far too much of a coincidence dont you think?

Read more here: Father Christmas and the Fly Agaric

Copyright © 2012 Steve Andrews. All Rights Reserved.